Full lap in iRacing
MP4-30 at Road America
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At the beginning you see some additional dashes (wing adjustment, pit info).
Then I drive a full lap with my favorite dashboard.
After the lap I change the dashes and the brake bias (also shown with a special dash).
If you are looking for a high end formula style wheel in this price category I can highly recommend it!
The build quality and materials are great, it´s one of the best looking designs (personal taste for sure) and the support is very good.
I really don´t understand why there isn´t more information (tests, reviews, experiences, ...) about this wheel out there in comparison to the other competitors in this price class. It definitely deserves more attention...
UPDATE 11/2021
Upgraded version "Mayaris" available!
The Rexing formula v5 is out of stock - Rexing offers a new "Mayaris" version in their webshop.
Some highlights/updates in comparison to the Rexing formula v5:
- USBD480 LCD display and therefore open regarding software selection (SimHub, Z1, ...)
- backlit buttons (configurable with SimDash)
- covered RGB RPM/flag LEDs (configurable with SimDash)
- new multiswitch
I was in the lucky situation to own both wheels and made a short comparison.